
The Nicest Thing Ever

Sunday, July 1, 2012

For today, the 182nd day of the year, the question is: "What is the nicest thing someone ever did for you?"

For me, I can't think of one specific thing that has been the "nicest" thing anyone ever did for me.  My mind immediately goes back to my parents who, even when it was difficult, they made sure my needs were always met. My parents have always gone the extra mile to help me out and make sure I have everything I need.  I can't imagine my life without them and their help.

However, the one specific thing that stands out to me that someone did for me is Jesus's dying on the cross for me.  Just for me.  If I was the only person ever to be saved from Jesus dying on the cross, he would have done it....just for me!  I'm amazed at the ultimate love and sacrifice that was put into this act.  I'm so thankful that God sent His Son to Earth to pay the exact price for every single person's sins.  I don't know about you, but I've done an awful lot of sinning in my lifetime.  It seems so easy to just....do wrong things!  But, even when I intentionally do something against God's laws, I know that forgiveness is just around the corner if I ask.

What has been the nicest thing someone ever did for you?  What do you think other people would say would be the nicest thing you've done for them?

Here's my challenge to my readers:

Find a person, any person.  It could be a family member, a close friend, someone who goes to your church, the cashier at the grocery store, the mailman, or some random stranger.  Pray about something nice you can do for them, to cheer them up, help them through a bad time, or just say "Hey, I'm praying for you."  Then do it.  Don't hold back, let God's love flow through you to show that person that pure sacrificial love that Christ gave to you.  But don't let it stop with one person!  Once you've done something for that person, move on to the next.  The blessings you'll get from helping others will be addicting.

So when the person is asked "What is the nicest thing (Insert your name) has ever done for you? They don't have to stop and think about it; they know exactly what it is.

What has someone done for you that really stood out to you?  Why did it stand out to you?  What are some ways we can help others?  Post your comments, I'd love to hear them!


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